Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Politics and Me

Where on earth, the "Politics" doesnt have its existence? Be it the world, be it India, be it West Bengal or narrowing our view, be it IIT kgp. When i came here for the first time i was very much excited about the studing environment and student facility that it had. But after spending damn 4 years of my life here in this hell, it would have been better if i would have continued my higher studies being at home. The politics among the higher authorities is somewhat that can be thought of but among students, impossible for me to have even a remotest idea. I dont say that this world should be cleaner and whiter to live in, but when this creepier thing comes to supress your talents, it becomes a nuisance. People work very hard here for winning the "General Championship" for Social andCultural events as well as for Sports events (we call it GC race). Whereas in sports the results are pretty clear and everything depends on how u perform on the spot and on the field, soc-n-cult events have a different story to tell. Here its the participating halls(word used for hostels) who decides who's gonna take the prizes long time before the event is organized irrespective of how you perform on stage. This is called Inter-Hall politics which is very much filthy that u cant even think about.

Come the days of elections for Gymkhana (a body which organizes student activities), politics takes a form that can teach the regular 'politicians' a lot. Although, i was out of its reach and keeping myself away from all these till last year, this years comes with another story which shocked me totally. Initial days of my final year were totally devoted to my hall and to the politics involved in it. I know i am very bad at it when i realized that it was me who became the target of Intra-Hall politics. Finally, there was only one way out that is to leave everything and enjoy peace. One of the safest way is to just blog and think of nothing

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Wish I could Dissapear!!!

Ever wondered if you have the power to "Vanish" or "Disappear" or "Invisible" or whatever you call it in your language, what it can bring to you!!!!
The first thought that might occurred to you is the "invisible cloak" of Harry Potter. But thats a different thing at all. Nobody can go through you and moreover there is this insecurity of the cloak being not covering you totally. Well, sometimes something matters than nothing.
The 2nd thought may be about the pathetic actor of Indian cinema, Tushar Kapoor, who is the invisible protagonist of the movie "Gayab". I am talking exactly of the work he was indulged in. But the major problem was that it turned out to be a curse to him and he never returned to the real world.
Third similarity i can think of is the "Hollow Man". He was also correct in his way when he did illegal (which doesnt seem to be outlawed at all) moves. But then it was natural, what can a 'Man' think of doing when he gets this unusual power. Problem here is also the same with its permanency.
The closest person is probably Mr. Anil Kapoor in "Mr. India" minus the inability to perform in red-light. But you see, he was the indian hero of an indian cinema where he has to perform the role of a God, where his holy duty is to save the poor and his country. Cut the crap. If i could have got at least that much of power, i would have lot many things to do than to lift a Hanuman statue.
There are trillion of analogies if you carry on like this
So, what do u think?
1. As a Man, if you have given the power to be "Invisible" for one day, what is the 1st and the last thing you gonna do?
2. As a Woman, if you have given the power to be "Invisible" for one day, what is the 2nd and last but one thing you gonna do? (1st and last are so obvious!!!)
PS: Invisibility in my sense means totally imperceptible to eyes (see-through ability), the tactile senses (which means no finger prints and go-through ability) but you retain the power to communicate.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

am i SAD or MAD??

Things are not so easy as they look. Sometimes a little bit of confusion or misunderstanding can create a lot of havoc than what the Tsunami did. Relationships are always very difficult to understand and i can proudly say that i am not excellent in them. Why do old memories keep on popping in your life and refresh your buried temptations. Giving all of them a thought i spent around 5 hrs of my day sleeping in the afternoon. That doesnt mean that i am a regular day-napper. It just kind of laying in the bed and thinking about all the things that you have done till now to make your present relationship better. But, as i already stressed, its not that easy. People are not what you always think they are. They tend to be carried away by every other factor you never imagined. Believing someone strongly and having total faith are two very different things. And when they say it infinite times in a minute, it looks crafty.

huhhh!!!....neways....trying to get into it by writing something but it turns out to be complicating things again.....ll surely jot it down when it straightens up

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