Saturday, June 17, 2006

Reservation Issue

I had been to IIT kgp few weeks back when the reservation policy hadnt turned into a giant issue. I had a little chat over this topic with the chairman of JEE (eastern zone) who happens to be my guide a year ago. He was very upset with this nasty step of govt. Acc to him, the pace of classroom teaching goes down when there are students who enter one of the most esteemed institutes thru it for NRI students (DASAs, as we call it), SC/STs, OBCs and many other which i cant recollect right now...basically those who gets admission laterally and do not face the jee exam....A dedicated proffessor cannot proceed further in his syllabus unless he has cleared all the doubts and he has the confidence that his students can solve all the problems related to that particular the end what happens is, a big portion of the syllabus is left out because of which all the students of the class suffer....The companies claims that the top class institutes do not train their students acc to the market and industrial application for which they blame the profs....and thats the reason why most of the companies wud prefer <1yr experienced person no matter where he did his education over the toppers from iits.....a prof cannot do anything in this case...he prepares his syllabus acc to the industrial need....but he gets stuck when some students start asking about the basics of a subject.....most of a prof's time gets wasted in clearing those little doubt because of which he cannot proceed to the advance level which he had planned in his mind.....Later on, those students who get admision on the merit basis get frustrated from the class and start bunking them thinking that whatever is being taught is useless which they have already studied.....Ultimately, everybody is in loss....profs, students as well as companies....

So my suggestion is, govt sud open 5 separate colleges with 500 seats each where the so called backward class students to which the govt favors so much get their admission with 100% reservation...there sud be different entrance exam for those institutes where they can set the level of question papers acc to the level of the aptitudes they think their students have general category students sud be allowed to sit in those exam.....and govt sud provide those institutes with facilities which makes the iits and iims look so creamy....instead of spending so much money in improving the infrastructure of all the 6 iits and 6 iims and deteriorating their quality in education.....its better to setup new colleges with hi-tech infrastructure....

This point really needs to be discussed seriously....

1 comment:

bp said...

yo buddy...good thought...

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