Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Do you smile frequently? Think again!!

Three people are sitting on the other side of a round table and looking right on to your face asking one simple bloody question: Can you give us explanation why your results are not correct and most importantly, delayed?

Do you have any idea what expression in these kind of situations would perfectly fit. As far as I knew, till today, a smile can bring no harm to anyone. And so i did - a smile which i always wear on my face. But i had absolutely no idea that the saying did not say anything about you and what consequences it can bring to you. What it meant was for the sake of others. Try smiling in such a scenario and the most likely answers, rather questions, you gonna hear are:

"Why the hell are you smiling?"

"Does your smile mean that you are not at all serious about your work?"

"What do you think you are?? Are you out of your minds?"

"I haven't seen a ridiculous guy like you before"

"Do you think what I just said was a joke?"

"Well gentlemen, I don't see anything constructive coming up from this meeting. So, lets call it off for today. Lets give this chap a little time to save his ass in explaining the big managers about the loss of 2 million dollars"

blah blah....

But did you realize something. They have forgotten the fact that we all are engineers who haven't done anything right at the very first time. And if they mess it up in the first place, they dont touch it the second time. And if at all they do, write it on rock, that they gonna fail the third time too.

Now I really think: Does that old saying about smile have to be modified a little bit? If yes, in what respect. After a few googling, i ended up analyzing some of the quotes that seemed to be famous to me till now :
  • "No matter how small, a smile on your face tells all" - This is what affected me i suppose. A big smile refers to a big blunder that you made and in addition to that, it also conveys that you are not even sorry for it.
  • "If you find a friend without a smile, give him one of yours" - Well, i would certainly like to give 50% of my smiles to the one i hate the most so that he gets screwed daily. Any takers?
  • "A smile a day" - And literally means exactly one smile per day. You go beyond it and O'boy you are in a deep trouble. Most of the people took this proverb otherwise and twisted it such a way that nobody thinks about what it really wants to mean.
  • "If you smile you can change yourself, others and your future" - One thing missing in this statement is '....for the worst unimaginable things'.
  • "Everyone makes mistake and thats why there is an eraser on every pencil" - I just want to kill the guy who wrote this or even uttered it for the first time. Its the mouth and the voice thats gonna keep your ass moving if you do a mistake, not a speechless smile.
  • "A smile is worth a thousand words" - Surely it is but not a thousand words. Its just three words that it translates in such a mess 'I dont care' !
There are millions of these proverbs which do not at all make sense if applied in such situations.
The best one that i liked and has got all the intelligent thinking behind it:

"Every tear has a smile behind it"

I dont think anything other than this would better suit the situation that I am talking about. I really need to find the guy who quoted this and congratulate him for his great achievement and the intensive research that he did for coming up with such a wonderful one liner.

So, the question still remains. Do you really need to smile all the time? If yes, then why does it screw you up? If no, what are the criteria when you shouldn't be doing it?

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