Friday, November 30, 2007

Along came Mary !!

There was a girl named Mary. As usual there is also a guy in this story named Aston. And this story revolves around these two characters. Just for the sake of saying, its not at all the story of "There is something about Mary".

Lets start with a flashback!!

14 years ago:

Mary and her family just moved into an entirely new place. Big city, new people and everything around was new and so was her school. She stepped into her class with a smile on her face and a glaze in her eyes. Those were enough to raise the tentacles of the guys. Every eye was sparkled, every mouth wide open and every heartbeat went high. Even Aston was quite surprised to feel the high pulse rate which he normally doesn't get, because he never got attracted to anybody till that very moment.

She sat in the first bench and Aston as usual used to sit in the very last bench to keep an eye away from the poking questions of the teachers. Just to mention, only those people prefer to sit in the first bench who are either prepared with all answers, do their homeworks regularly and can sing quite beautifully. While Aston was a dumbass in all these, Mary was superb. Totally opposite characters so to say. Speaking of which, Mary was flamboyant, talkative, beautiful, fun, jolly and naughty. Aston, in contrast, was dull, dumb, book worm, shy, totally hopeless guy. Usually, Aston was never got attracted to any girl. Putting up in another way, he was shy enough to talk to a girl, infact he used to change his course of path if he used to see any girls coming in his way. But still then, there was something about Mary that made Aston go crazy.

He tried to talk to her, let her know what he was feeling. But Mary was always surrounded by her friends and never was found alone. Moreover, Aston was actually not able to gain his total courage to go upto her and start a conversation. Afterall, he had a reputation built up against his name of being a member of hate-feminism-group.

Both of them used to take the same school bus for commuting. She again used to sit in the very front seat and Aston used to take up a seat at the back in such a position that he would be able to get a clear picture of her all throughout the journey back to home. Luckily they stayed just a couple of kilometers away, as in neighbor colonies. And these two colonies used to be hardcore rivals when it comes to Cricket. So they normally used to have cricket matches every now and then. Aston saw an opportunity to go to Mary's colony often and he joined his colony's cricket team. When he finally took over the position of captain of his team, he used to visit Mary's colony frequently and spend most of time in there just in the name of meetings and arranging schedules with the opponent captains. All these because he was pretty much excited to see Mary taking a walk with her cute little dog every evening. That was the only motivation for him to live upto. But still he didnt get a chance to start a communication yet.

4 years passed and still the scenario was the same. Mary didnt even notice that there was a guy in her class who had so deeply fell for her. The only thing that she knew about this guy was that he was a complete nerd, jerk and weird. Mary used to sing amazingly and was in the school prayer team. Aston tried to get into the prayer team too but his pathetic singing couldnt help him. So he tried his hands on being the commander so that he can stay close to her. He used to stand so close to her that among all other voices he was able to distinguish Mary's voice pretty clearly. He never used to miss any of the prayer sessions or even any of the classes, no matter what, with a hope to see her at least once in a day. And teachers used to think that Aston was a very studious and regular guy without even knowing the real reasons. But by this time Aston was so much deep into trouble. He was mad about her. If he wasnt able to get a view of her for a day, he started remaining sad. She took all his minds away. But still there wasnt any talking between them.

8 years ago:

In the meanwhile, the 10th exams got over and the list of the students for 11th class were posted in the notice board. As soon as Aston heard this news, he rushed to the school. He found a large gathering of students and parents checking their scores and admissions. Aston tried pretty hard to get inside that crowd and took a look at the list. The first thing he started searching was the name Mary. He browsed the entire 100 students list but didnt find it. He thought he might have missed the name, so he searched again. But no success this time too. He got frustrated and started blaming the person who printed those results. But he tried to find the name again but luck wasnt with him at all. All of a sudden, his friends started congratulating him for securing the highest percentages in his section. Actually, he was so obsessed with Mary, that he didnt even looked at his own score and when he was told by his friends, he looked at his results and tried to feel happy about it but he couldnt. All throughout the summer vacation, he had been thinking that there was obviously some kind of error in the result and probably Mary might show up in the class itself. Came the D-day, the very 1st day of class 11th, but Aston's eyes were not able to find Mary in the class. So, he attentively listened to the roll calls thinking that her name might be called up if she wasnt able to make up for the class on the very first day. But God was never with Aston and he felt miserable.

He started finding about her whereabouts. He went to her colony many times and asked people that he knew but no luck again. After a lot of search, he actually got to know that she had taken admission in one of the colleges. He was elated because she was still there in the city and didnt go anywhere else. As soon as he figured out her college, he started standing in front of her college every evening to at least have a glance of her. But God again didnt help him out much in there. For complete two years he stood there almost every evening eating junk food, but wasnt able to achieve anything. His faith in God started fading away.

Aston's life then took a U turn and he was compelled to leave that city to go for higher studies and become an engineer which he didnt at all wanted to pursue.

6 years ago:

Aston finally left the city but usually used to come back to his native where he left his heart with a hope that this time he is gonna find her and tell her everything that he has got. But God didnt show any sympathy to him and he kept wandering. In the meanwhile, 4 years of college life had totally changed Aston altogether. He gained so much confidence that he was not at all afraid of talking to any girls anymore and in a sense he was totally ready to take heads up and speak his heart out to Mary if he happens to find her. In every girl he met in his college, he was searching for Mary in all of them but he couldnt find any similarity because of which he preferred to stay away from any relationship stuff. As time passed by, Mary and her smiling face began fading away from the minds of Aston. By the time he got his degree, he was totally over the Mary effect and was open to all. He began to think: As this has been a long time, Mary wouldnt be there in the city anymore but if he ever got a chance to meet her once, he would speak everything up right away without worrying about the results. Who knows she might have got married by now.

1 year ago:

Life was moving pretty smooth for Aston. He got the job he always wanted. He was independent. He started taking decisions of his own. But all of a sudden, after a booz session, Aston got to know from his intoxicated friends that Mary had been seen in a marriage party and that she had been doing a job there itself. Although Aston was totally out of control after having 4 large pegs of cocktails in a pub, his eyes sparkled, his mind started working again and he ran all his resources in the city to get her phone number. And finally after two months of hard search he was able to get hold of her number but wasnt sure what he was gonna talk about.

Mary wouldnt even remember him. They didnt had a talk for the entire period they were classmates. So there wasnt any slight chance that the name Aston would ring any bells in Mary. But then, he decided to speak up everything in the first phone call itself because he might not get a chance to speak to her again. So he picked up the cell phone, connected her number and the ring started to bell. He was profusely sweating in the month of December which was considered to be the coldest month in a year, he was nervous and he cut the phone off. He took a deep breath and tried again, but no success this time too. He dropped the plan and thought to carry forward whatever he had been doing so far without taking much tension in life. But then, he wasnt able to sleep at nights thinking that he has the contact number of Mary with him for which he had been longing so dearly, because of whom he changed himself totally just to have a talk with her and now that he has everything, what is that which is stopping him. After 3 days, he called again with a solid rock heart and a i-dont-care attitude. And this time he didnt shut off the call. The bell rang and a sweet voice answered the phone. Yes, it was Mary and it was Aston talking to her. Infact she was able to recognize him as the same old jerk and moron. Aston was on the cloud nine that his so many years of search had finally ended. But he wasnt able to speak everything up as he had decided earlier. She was the same - jolly, fun, a little bit serious and naughty. After a few days, the frequency of phone calls increased. The talks were never-ending. They started to hover around every kind of possible topics one can think of.

Thats it...Flashback over and lets get back to the present!!


Finally both of them got a chance to meet over a coffee after 14 damn hard years of when Aston saw Mary....

What happened next??? Even i dont know much. Probably Aston or Mary might be able to take over the story further from here.

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