Saturday, May 31, 2008

Case study & small Brainstorm

Many times a thought comes to Mr Xyz's mind that why the hell is he on earth? Its not that it comes very rarely....actually its frequency of occurence is much more than that of a resonating fork...yeah and its intensity is as high as the swinging bridge that crashed down because of the soldiers marching over it (if you are a regular newspaper reader, you might be knowing what I am talking about)

Lets come back to the bloody question and try to answer it. Things are not the same in Mr Xyz's life. He has been brutally exploited, drastically tortured and tremendously demotivated. He always thinks "What the fuck has happened to his life? It wasnt used to be like this before!". This very question is intriguing him everytime he goes to bed. Yes, his life used to be pretty smooth a couple of years ago. He used to wake up praising the wonderful morning, dine with thanking God to provide him good food, walk with a light and tensionless mind, and rest in peace dreaming about some wonderful experiences. So, what the hell has changed everything now and if there is anybody's fault, who's that?

To solve this case study, lets look at the problems and try to get to a solution or at least dig the cause of the problem. Here are few of the things that would help us achieve in this brainstorm:

  • Problem # 1: He used to wake up as soon as the clock hits 7am which apparently has shifted to at least 9 am that too after snoozing the alarm clock for an infinite minimum number of times.
Probable Cause: Human body is designed to have a minimum of 8 hours of sleep daily. This problem might have originated because of late night sleep.

  • Problem # 2: Mr. Xyz used to be big fan of food. He used to eat so voraciously as if he had been starving for food for quite a long time. If one can observe the situation now, he just eats to stay alive and most of the time he diverts his mind from food by talking over phone at the same time.
Probable Cause: The food that he eats now is not good enough. There is a huge difference of taste when one comes down from Northern India to Mid-west.

  • Problem # 3: Dreams used to be pretty good before. All the woolgathers that Mr Xyz used to dream about gave him a sense of happiness. These dreams have now been totally occupied by snakes - ranging from small to big ones with big heads.
Probable Cause: There are numberous interpretation of snake dreams. Some say that these kind of dreams usually comes when one is closer to death. Some advocate of having a greater sex drive depending on what kind of snakes come in the dreams. Even some others say that dreams are just all bullshit. Watch something good just before sleeping and one will surely think about it at night.

  • Problem # 4: Mr Xyz has been totally diverted from his work. He doesnt like to work his ass off as he used to do before. There hasnt been a time when he would have thought of leaving whatever he is doing and start all over again.
Probable Cause: The work that he is doing now might have lost the charm and would be out of the interest zone of a particular person when he feels exactly the same. Its actually the perfect time to switch the job if he isnt satisfied with the kind of work he is doing.

  • Problem # 5: He has been wasting a lot of his time in watching crappy movies now-a-days. This wasnt Mr Xyz at all. Everybody used to get surprized when he pops up a discussion about movies and role plays.
Probable Cause: Movies are mere reflections of a society. When a man/woman doesnt know, what in Jesus's name, he/she could do to tackle a problem, he/she gets an inclination towards movies where the issues are solved very wisely in a fantasy world.

There are few other problems too which I dont think it is worth explaining here. Anyway, with all the problems mentioned above and also their corresponding causes, can we get to a conclusion about "What exactly has gone wrong?"

The answer is very simple but yet very complex. To do a little comparison, these problems were matched head-to-head with few of the existing problems googled on internet.
- 15% match was identified with phobic neurosis.
- 40% match with mental disorder and some difficult-to-pronounce-disease whereas
- 95% match was found with an article that talked about falling-in-love.

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