Thursday, May 10, 2007

The ages old story of a crow

Whenever I hear something starting with the phrase "Once upon a time….", it reminds me of only one story - the story of a crow. If you havent heard it before, rewind your memory back to say 20-30 years back and I am sure you will get it right. For those who have got a memory loss problem like me, here it is. A crow decided to fly to California to meet his lady love that too from mumbai. On his way to destination, he felt very thirsty. And unfortunately he was directly above the sahara desert (or take any goddamn desert in Africa). So, he found a well which was totally empty and just nearby there was a earthen pot almost empty. Few drops of water were still remaining in that pot. So, he got an idea and started collecting stones. He put them one by one into the pot and because of Archimedes Principle all the stones sank and the water thus displaced came to the top. He drank those drops and moved ahead towards California to live a happy life with his beloved forever. And its not yet over, there is a moral yet to come at the end of every story.
Moral: "Be patient and work hard, then only you can succeed"

That was the story and it has got a hell lot of versions which my aunt, my aunt's sister, my father's brother's wife, my bog cousins and god-knows-who-didn’t used to tell me when I was what - four years old.

But now when I evaluate this story, I think what the hell people thought of me. Were they considering me a total fool or what?
  1. Just to name a few technical flaws in this story:
    What the hell was the crow thinking. Why didn’t he took the way which goes over pacific ocean i.e. by the east of india which would rather be much shorter path and there would be full of water & islands throughout his way.
  2. When he put stones in the pot, instead of making the water level rise, the particles over the stone would have absorbed those drops of existing water and in no case, the level can come up. At the end, what the crow would have found is a pot full of stones and nothing else.
  3. The moral that was told to me was a total bullshit. My new moral: "Never do what the crow did in this situation. Get a straw from somewhere (if he can find stones in a desert full of sands why cant he find a straw) and suck till the last drop of water makes your throat wet."

- "Following the ways to do things that world does, brings you no identification. Always look out for your own, different and better ways." - MAsh

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