Sunday, June 10, 2007


Just had a chance to move my lazy ass on Sunday evening to a CD shop nearby and to my utter surprise the CD guy had something that i have been looking for ages. Since the time i was in college i was searching for a movie called "Paakezah" but never got it anywhere. Its a very very old movie and i dont even know if you have heard of it or not. Searched the entire Delhi for one and half years but still no success. When i came to Pune, been to all the big shopper stops but still nothing came into hand. Fuck!! what happened to our entertainment business. They own all the crap movies that one would never love to buy and would never watch even for the first time.
And this shop i am talking about is a very small one that one cant even recognize from outside. This is a perfect example of "bagal mein saiyaan aur gali bhar dhindhora". Pardon me if i am wrong in making this citation. In fact i am horrible at it. Anyway the CD uncle, very old and was coughing time to time, was not at all ready to sell it but i managed to get its 2 video cds set at 350 bucks. My roomie said that i am a real duffer when it comes to buying something. I just pay what they ask and never have an argument.
I definitely need to learn how to bargain.

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