This is a picture that was very close to my heart because it reminds me of lots of mistakes that i have done in understanding people. It dates back to the days when i used to be in Escorts, faridabad. It used to be glued just besides my computer in the office right in front of my face.
These are the friends that i made the very first day i joined a company, the first step in market. And i must say i am quite happy to make such lovely friends.
- Ravi Gawhade: The left most guy in sky blue. The hilarious of all of us. He can make out a comment of any statement that u make. So spontaneous that we used to call him "kya kha ke paida hua hai tu?". He has got a natural sense of humour thats quite uncommon. Now he has got married recently and it was most unfortunate for me that i was not able to attend it. I felt so sorry for that. He is the 2nd one of us to shift his job to Mahindra, mumbai. We had a good time for almost 1 and half years
- Tushar: Dont even remember his last name anymore. This guy is a dickhead. Although he got a masters from IIT-B but still then his mind up there is totally empty. He wasnt sure aobut what to do with his life. What to do with the skills he has. And most importantly he was a big liar. Can able to disguise things with the way he puts things up. For quite some time in the begining, i was not sure that he did his engg from iit because ppl passing out of these insitutes are quite rough and tough in the way they behave and in the way they take things up. I couldnt believe he took eveything seriously when i addressed him with hindi version of "motherfucker". that was ultimate scene. He was like literally coming on to me to kill me. But they he allowed me to speak to him in the way i like because he was fed up of getting angry on me but i was still doing it in the same manner as i always to. God knows where he is now. Such a feeble mind that left job without even saying anything to aanybody. Just like that vanished. Thats why the tag - Shift+Delete+Enter
- Asheesh Maharana: And thats me.....
- Yash Pal Gramni: Another comedian of our group - pukka jaat. He gets heated up if u call him jaat because he is not a jaat, he is a punjabi. But he had got all the qualities of a jaat. The most romantic guy in our group. Never went a day, when he didnt use to get a phone call from the call center girls and he actually hold them up for more than one hour. But this guy was quite commited to his college love and finally settled with her in Noida. Unfortunately again, i couldnot attend his marriage where i was invited so cordially. Although he got engaged and nobody in office or our friends get to know a single word of it. In a weekend, he went to his home just like that as he always does and Monday he blew the bomb that he got engaged and marriage is in 2 months. Best of wished for his life ahead. Btw this is the only guy who is continuing in Escorts till now. I see him as the head of a department there in a few years from now.
There were a few persons missing in that pic. We used to be a gang of 12 guys with all of them having different flavours and insight towards life. Vikrant Pandurang Ranaware, Kapil Verma, Krishna Kumar Sharma, Bankm Chandra Biswas, Saravanan, Shrikant, Manoj Ranjan Jha.....Dont have their pic right now but I wont be able to forget this gang for the rest of my life.
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